今天介绍的书目是由本尼达塔·乌贝塔齐(Benedetta Ubertazzi)撰写的《知识产权的专属管辖》,该书由德国著名的独立出版商莫尔·西贝克出版社(Mohr Siebeck)于2012年出版发行。
本尼达塔·乌贝塔齐(Benedetta Ubertazzi)出生于1975年,目前是意大利马切拉塔大学(the University of Macerata)法学院国际法专业的专职研究员及助理教授,也是德国亚历山大·冯·洪堡基金会的会员,同时担任联合国教科文组织中意大利外交与国际合作部门的法律专家,精通意大利语、英语、西班牙语、德语和法语。本尼达塔·乌贝塔齐教授的主要研究领域为国际私法、欧盟法以及知识产权法,目前发表了数十篇论文,出版了三部专著,研究成果丰富,享有极高的赞誉。

近年来,由于几个热点案件的出现,知识产权的专属管辖问题越来越得到人们的关注。比如,欧盟法院审理的GAT v. LUK一案、美国法院审理的Voda v. Cordis一案、以及英国法院审理的Lucasfilm v. Ainsworth一案均涉及到了这一话题的探讨。在本书中,本尼达塔·乌贝塔齐教授首先解析了专属管辖权规则的内涵,引用并分析了上述热点案件的判决,指出知识产权案件中的专属管辖规则并不是一项习惯国际法,且从国际趋势上看,知识产权专属管辖规则正在受到彻底性的挑战。
致谢 Acknowledgements
缩写 Abbreviations
第一章 介绍 Chapter I: Introduction
I. 前言。Premise
II. 国际礼让、国家行为原则、属地原则建立的隐性排他管辖规则。
Theses Purporting that Comity, The Act of State Doctrine and The Territoriality Principle Establish Implicit Exclusive Jurisdiction Rules.
III. 专属管辖原则不是由国际礼让原则或者国家行为原则或者属地原则所建立的,事实上,它与国际公法中“诉诸法院的权利”这一规则相违背。
Exclusive Jurisdiction Rules are not Established either by Comity or by the Act of State Doctrine and the Territoriality Principle, but rather are Contrary to the Public International Law Rules on the Right of Access to Courts.
第二章 比较。专属管辖权规则并不表示某一习惯国际法规则。放弃它们的新趋势。
Chapter II: Comparison. Exclusive Jurisdiction Rules do not Express a Customary International Law Rule. The New Trend to Abandon them.
I. 比较的目标、界限和术语。
Aims, Delimitation and Terminology of the Comparison.
II. 对于未注册知识产权,无论是主要还是偶然提出,在侵权问题和有效性主张方面几乎普遍缺少专属管辖权规则。
The Almost Universal Absence of Exclusive Jurisdiction Rules for Unregistered IPRs both with Respect to Infringement Issues and Validity Claims, whether Principally or Incidentally Raised.
III. 尽管被提出,但在已注册知识产权纯侵权索赔案件中几乎普遍缺少专属管辖权规则。
The Almost Universal Absence of Exclusive Jurisdiction Rules for Registered IPRs Pure Infringement Claims, However Raised.
IV. 偶然提及的已注册知识产权有效性问题中专属管辖规则的普遍缺位。
The Prevailing Absence of Exclusive Jurisdiction Rules for Registered IPRs Validity Issues Incidentally Raised.
VI. 结论。
Chapter III: The Act of State Doctrine and Comity do not Mandate Exclusive Jurisdiction Rules.
I. 介绍。
II. 有关国家行为原则含蓄地提出专属管辖规则的论点。
Theses According to which the Act of State Doctrine Implicitly Poses Exclusive Jurisdiction Rules.
III. 国家行为原则并为提出专属管辖规则。
The Act of State Doctrine Does not Pose Exclusive Jurisdiction Rules.
IV. 有关国际礼让原则含蓄地提出专属管辖规则的论点
Theses According to which Comity Implicitly Poses Exclusive Jurisdiction Rules.
V. 国际礼让原则并为提出专属管辖规则。
Comity does not pose Exclusive Jurisdiction Rules.
VI. 国家行为原则与国际礼让原则与国际公法相违背。
The Act of State Doctrine and Comity are Contrary to Public International Law.
Chapter IV: The Territoriality Principle does not Mandate Exclusive Jurisdiction Rules.
I. 属地性和普遍性。
Territoriality and Universality.
II. 知识产权体系外的知识产权属地及普遍保护。
Territorial and Universal IPRs Protection Outside the IP Systems.
III. 知识产权体系内的知识产权属地及普遍保护。
Territorial and Universal IPRs Protection Inside the IP Systems.
IV. 本文提出:属地原则是就近原则的一种表达。
Thesis Here Purported: the Territoriality Principle as an Expression of the Proximity Principle.
V. 结论。
Chapter V: Other Arguments are Insufficient to Mandate Exclusive Jurisdiction Rules.
Chapter VI: Exclusive Jurisdiction Rules Imply a Denial of Justice and Violate the Fundamental Human Right of Access to Courts.
I. 介绍。
II. 诉诸法院这一基本人权。
The Fundamental Human Right of Access to Courts.
III. 专属管辖权规则与司法不公、诉诸法院这一基本人权有关的国际公法规则背道而驰。
Exclusive Jurisdiction Rules are Contrary to the Public International Law Rules on the Denial of Justice and on the Fundamental Human Right of Access to Courts.
IV. 拒绝管辖与国际责任。
Declining of Jurisdiction and International Responsibility.
Chapter VII: General Conclusions.
参考文献 Bibliography
案件表Tables of Cases
条约、公约和其他法律文件表 Table of Treaties, Conventions and Other Instruments
索引 Index