(1) “也一样”。
He bought the house and the land as well. 他把房子连同地皮一起买下来了。

You've already been late for breakfast, and if you don't eat fast, you'll be late for school as well. 你吃早餐已经晚了,如果再不快点吃,上学也会迟到。
(2) “而且加以”。
And then the car broke down as well. 接着,车子又坏了。
(3) it is (was) just as well (that) 是“幸亏”。
Judging from everything you've said, it was just as well she wasn't there. 从你所说全部情况来看,幸亏当时她不在那里。
(4) may (might) (just) as well有两个可能的意义。第一个意义,是表示“那也行”、“也吧”、“索性...算了”(并不太主张这样做,但“既来之则安之”,也不反对)。
If I've got to go somewhere I may as well go to Birmingham. 如果非到什么地方去不可,我就到伯明翰去吧。
Anyway, your're here; you might as well stay. 反正你已经来了,你就留下来算了。
You might as well watch the movie, given that you already bought it. 既然片子你已经买了,你就看看也好。
I'll come with you if you like. I might as well. 你乐意的话我就跟你一起去。我无所谓。
—Shall we go to the cinema? —We might as well. —咱们去看电影好吗?—去也好。第二个意思,是更进一步,表示当前所说的情况已经坏到as well后面所说的情况那样坏的地步,甚至还不如那样干脆。
The couple might as well have been strangers. 那一对简直如同陌***。
We might just as well be in prison for all the quality our lives have at present. 拿我们目前生活的质量,倒不如干脆住进监狱里。/芝加哥曾经打算规定计程汽车司机必须穿着整齐,但是许多司机抱怨天气太热,于是有如下的一段话:That's "crazy" and "too hot in the summer," says driver Steve Wiedersberg, "You might as well have us wear a tuxedo." (Newsweek, Oct. 10, 2006, p. 9) 司机韦德斯堡说,这简直是“发疯”,而且“夏天太热了。倒不如索性叫我们穿上燕尾礼服好了。”